Secessionist movements and internationalization strategies: a comparative study

By Catalonia Global Institute

The report “Secessionist movements and internationalization strategies: a comparative study” analyzes the international strategies of diplomatic and paradiplomatic engagement of ten secessionist movements, partially recognized state-like entities, and UN member states, from Europe, Asia, and Africa. We review how different actors that aspire to achieve international recognition behave, and how this contributes to the success or failure of their attempts at secession.

We provide insights into how state-like actors with no or limited recognition, as well as cases that have achieved full recognition, engaged and/or still engage with the international community, and which strategies they follow to increase interactions. The report samples three types of cases: fully recognized states, de facto states with no or limited recognition, and secessionist movements or entities that have not yet achieved de facto independence. This differentiation aims at understanding international recognition, the crucial step that makes a state part of the international system and allows it to participate normally in international relations.


Link to the report


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