Research themes

Catalonia in global public opinion

International public opinion is not just made up of voters from democracies around us. When it comes to international affairs, the opinions that matter are held by the elites of countries with influence capacity. That is why the CGI maintains a research program that monitors the appearances of Catalonia in the main world-class publications in various languages ​​and ideological affinities.

Geopolitics of the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is the natural projection space of Catalonia. It is currently a territory that is undergoing major geopolitical changes. The CGI places special emphasis on monitoring events that take place in the region, with the aim of understanding what effects they have for Catalonia.

Catalonia in the new global context: risks and opportunities

This research program studies how the dynamics of geopolitical change affect the role of countries with comparable economic and demographic size to Catalonia, and what risks and opportunities emerge in this context.