Narcís Pallarès-Domènech


The new Giorgia Meloni’s government and Italian Geopolitics (II): The foreign policy of Giorgia Meloni


In the first installment of this series we defined the geopolitical scenario where the new Italian government will have to deploy its foreign policy strategy. We can now move on to dealing with the priorities of Meloni’s government and its foreign policy agenda. Giorgia Meloni’s foreign policy Foreign policy is a key point for the […]

The new Giorgia Meloni government and Italian Geopolitics (I): the roots of Italian foreign policy


New Italian government and new political cycle.  The new Italian government led by Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the right-wing Fratelli d’Itàlia (FDI), represents a historical political shift.  Her arrival at the executive has begun a new political cycle in the Italian Republic that could represent a new era, comparable to the arrival of Silvio […]